I’m not sure about anyone else, but I feel as though January has just disappeared. I celebrated the New Year, and now it’s nearly at the end of February!
I was expecting January to be a bit of a dead one workwise – I was even maybe looking forward to a chill month focusing on preparing for the year to come… Needless to say, that plan didn’t quite work out – and I’m glad!
Don’t get me wrong, I could use a few more hours sleep while writing this, But I’ve never been more fulfilled with my work as I have been this month. I’m not sure if it’s the New Year new attitude in me, but I’m feeling really great about my creative practice at the moment.
In the last few months of 2023, I was working on a commission for Apples and Snakes which you can see here.
The video came out mid January, and I was so very proud of it. The process of making the video gave me a new way to look at my own practice, and I’ve had ideas flowing around my head 24/7 – I’ve not had much time to bring these ideas to fruition yet, but they’re there, on the backburner, until I have the capacity.
In January, I started working at a primary school in Gateshead with New Writing North. I’m working with two amazing year five classes, filled with around 60 young people with amazing brains.
The teachers are amazing, they know their young people so well, and know exactly what they need – I’ve been really enjoying my time with them. I’m with them for two half terms, and therefore I’m halfway through my time with them already.
We’ve looked at things like Haikus, acrostic poems for loved ones, poems with the same phrase starting each line and more.
Each time I go into their classroom, they go above and beyond. It never fails to amaze me how brilliant young people are when they get the chance to be creative.
I’ve also been continuing my work as a support worker part-time, which I really enjoy. The person that I support is also a poet, and so we always have something to talk about. It’s always a nice break in my crazy freelance schedule, as I guide him to new places, help with admin, and, recently, have been editing the video to share the work that his team has been doing.
I’ve had lots of meetings in January to do with my poetry night, Out of Your Head!, and there are so many exciting things happening this year with it.
I’ve also been working on an arts Council bid, which is taken up more of my time than I would like to admit, but hopefully it will be worth it.
Overall, it’s been a whirlwind of a month, but a great start to the year.